Saturday, October 17, 2015

Passive voice

In this entry we are going to talk about this grammar topic called Passive voice

Use of Passive

Passive voice is used when the focus is on the action. It is not important or not known, however, who or what is performing the action.
Example: My bike was stolen.
In the example above, the focus is on the fact that my bike was stolen. I do not know, however, who did it.
Sometimes a statement in passive is more polite than active voice, as the following example shows:
Example: A mistake was made.
In this case, I focus on the fact that a mistake was made, but I do not blame anyone (e.g. You have made a mistake.).

Object/ action + to be + verb in past participle (by + subject)

In the sentence, the author of the action is not always showed. So you have to decide if it is important of not. 

Example: The direction are explained (by the teacher)

*The parenthesis are not used

Finally, in the next link you can see more information and practices about the topic

Today I'm going to give you some basics tips for learn English

Let’s begin

1) Read a book, newspaper or journal in English. This will help to learn new vocabulary words in a fun way. This is also a great tip for improving English in a technical field. Even by spending a mere 15 minutes a day, your skills can improve drastically. 

2) Set goals. Set goals for yourself whether it be learning twenty words a week or giving a presentation in English at work next month. Goals will keep you motivated.

3) Study out loud. Pronounce the words out loud to yourself as you study. You will remember them more easily and you will be able to practice your pronunciation at the same time.

4) Practice speaking. Practice the language you have learned as much as possible

5) Don't be afraid. Never be afraid to try speaking to other people even if you don’t know everything. They will appreciate your efforts

6) Don't get stuck. If you don’t know a certain word, work your way around it. Use different words and actions to explain it, but don’t give up.

7) Although less fun, learning grammar is an essential tool for English. Knowing English grammar inside and out is one of the top tips on learning English.

8) Have fun. Learning a new language is fun and exciting. Recognize your progress and use your language for ultimate enjoyment. 

Thank you for your attention. I hope those tips are going to help you in this process.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Hi, everyone!

   It is doubtless that one of the most essential -and most given- tips, is practicing.
   Try always to spend some hours daily (or weekly, if you don't have lots of time) to do homework, look up words in the dictionary,  do extra work on your textbooks, talk with your teacher if you have any doubts, and many other small actions you can take repeatedly to make tiny but constant progress.
   Also, (even if your not self-taught), you can look up hepful sources where you can find practices, readings, audios or videos, or maybe find a forum, so you can practice with a partner and other English learners.
   So, for this, I will share you some common resources which can help you when you have time to dedicate to the language:
Reader's digest: Here you can find lots of readings, with the option to sort them by topic, and even by lenght (they have 100-word stories for English learners).
Voice of America, Learning English: This is a platform made especially for non-nantive speakers. They have a variety of videos and audios (usually with their transcripts), based on recent news.
The Tico Times News: For Costa Rican students (more advanced), this site provides also recent news about Costa Rica's reality.

And well, these are only a few, but there's enough time to search on the Internet for endless websites dedicated to English learners.
I hope you can find this useful, and broaden your options for this learning process.

Greetings to you all,
Hi guys. Here I’m going to leave an interesting video about some tips for learn English

Enjoy it!
